We are an outward focussed church that wants to bless others with the love we know and experience through our Lord Jesus Christ. Worship and praising God is important to us and we enjoy meeting together on Sunday’s at 11am and Tuesday’s at 2pm to praise God and to learn from His living Word. We are a church that recognises: ’the body and many parts’ and we encourage people within the church to use their time, talents/gifts and finances to support the churches ministry and mission. The message which is important for everyone to hear is that this church in Dundonald is open to all people because God’s love extends to all people. Our hope for the future is that the light of Jesus shines through and from us into the hearts and homes of those that have yet to know of God’s great love. We have a gifted praise-band who play during our church services and worship music is a mixture of modern and traditional as we recognise we all connect to God in worship in different styles. We also have an organist: Mariea Black, who encourages and nurtures our strong choir of a mixed age-group. Throughout the year we celebrate and/or mark different seasons of the church: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and other important dates for our community.
We also provide church services to Dundonald Care Home (Dementia-Friendly) and the Sheltered Housing Unit (SHU). We are also now able to live-stream our services and this means that worship is now accessible to ALL people. It was a special interest of Rev Lynsey that all services offered by the church remain accessible to people with and or without disability. We are therefore working on making our buildings and our services accessible to people with hidden disabilities such as dementia, learning difficulties, mental health and communication problems.
Throughout the week we have different groups that meet to encourage people to deepen their faith and devotion to God. This includes: Community Bible Experience Book Club, ALPHA, Youth Alpha, Christianity Explored, Life Explored and prayer ministry. Our facebook page is always full of bible reflections, short-talks and prayers to help people in their walk with God. New ventures are always advertised on our Facebook page.