Disciples of Jesus – Praising God – Caring for Its Community

Prayer Booklet 66

Sunday, 18th July, 2021

May we all be blessed with the ability to worship God even if we are not yet attending church in person. Hopefully we can listen on Facebook, You tube, web-sites, TV or radio. 

However, I offer you one of my favourite verses from His word, a favourite hymn and the Lord’s Prayer to help you meditate on his majesty and his grace.  Be blessed today…

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! ” 1 John 3:1


Before the throne of God above, I have a strong, a perfect plea,
a great High Priest whose name is Love, who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands, my name is written on His heart;
I know that while in heaven He stands
no tongue can bid me thence depart, no tongue can bid me thence depart.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done;
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, The power and the glory,
For ever and ever. AMEN

Monday 19th July 2021

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”Galatians 5:22-23

Reflect and Pray

In the last few months we have heard of many things that have become law for limited periods of time as nations across the world get to grips with Covid-19.  Yet the word of God stands firm – and even in the harshest of circumstances the fruit of the Spirit can thrive.  Today we are going to increase our prayers asking God for his protection as world-wide travel opens up risk of transmission once again.  If only everyone could live with the help of the Spirit of God, we would have nothing to fear.  At the very least, his children can play their part…  Let us pray:

  • Pray for those with loved ones scattered across the world – especially where much anticipated visits were thwarted because of Covid-19. May God grant them safely renewed meetings with much joy and his blessing.
  • Ask God to comfort on all who have lost loved ones – especially far away with no possibility of sharing in grief with other loved ones and no opportunity to say goodbye.
  • Pray for protection against the spread of the virus as airline travel links country to country – allowing potential spread. Pray that God will breathe a sense of responsibility into all travellers to behave appropriately
  • Continue to pray for a cure and vaccination to treat this illness

Tuesday 20th July, 2021

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.” Psalm 127:1

Since we are building His churches on the Rock of His salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord, we can have confidence that our work is not in vain. Pray that we will never lose sight of this.

Reflect and Pray– where you have specific knowledge, pray specifically, but pray anyway, committing these churches to God that his sovereign grace and his will be known…


Interim Moderator: Rev Paul Russell; Locum: Rev John Lochrie; Session Clerk: Kate Hamilton (C) Lynne Rankin (M)


Locum and I.M. Rev David Hume; Session Clerk: Elspeth Carter (F); Elizabeth Veitch (K)

May God sustain them and enable them to work in harmony to the glory of His name.    Pray for:

Office bearers and conveners of committees and organisations– that God will enable them to fulfil their tasks effectively;

The congregation members who are able to attend Church; May God bless them with a sense of his presence always with them;

The congregation members unable to attend Church – may we reach out to them as precious members of the Church family;

those who no longer attend church because they have forgotten God or lost their faith – may the Lord restore them by His Holy Spirit at work in their lives;

The communities served by our churches – may they learn of the gospel and grace of God as we love and serve in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday 21st July, 2021

“As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love.” Psalm 103:11

Reflect and Pray

Before we move into more prayers today about issues that seem to be heavy burdens for so many people, let us take time to reflect for a few moments on what this verse is really saying.  It is reminding us that the love of God is so great that we can never come to an end of it.  It is true that sometimes we cannot see it or feel it because the problems of our world crowd it out. However, as we have reflected before, human beings are good at pushing God aside, to be selfish and inconsiderate and also proud of our own status.  But if we humble ourselves and call on him, he is always there, and always God… Let us pray:

  • Bless us today, Lord, with a sense of your presence and reminders of how you love us and gave Jesus to be our Saviour and our friend every day.
  • A huge problem is the state of our nation’s economy as a result of Covid-19. Remind us Lord to be full of compassion for those who have lost loved ones rather than money
  • Father God, be the provider of all that we need – especially for those facing unemployment, or greatly reduced wages in a struggling economy. Help your people to share your love in our communities and in the wider world, in Jesus’ name

Grant those in authority over us wisdom to make decisions for the benefit of all.  May our leaders seek your truth, and be honourable in their judgments and responses to the situation

Thursday 22nd July, 2021

Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Jesus himself told us that to reach out in Love in His name was the way to ensure that others would know we were his disciples – and so we would be empowered to carry out his great commission wherever he has placed us in the world.

Reflect and Pray– where you have specific knowledge, pray specifically, but pray anyway, committing these churches to God that his sovereign grace and his will be known…


Minister: Rev Lynsey Brennan; Session Clerk: Bob Stewart

Craigie Symington/Prestwick South

Minister: Rev Kenneth Elliott; OLM: Rev Tom McLeod; Session Clerk: ? Pending (CS); Alan Moir (PS)

May God sustain them and enable them to work in harmony to the glory of His name.  

 Pray for:

Office bearers and conveners of committees and organisations– that God will enable them to fulfil their tasks effectively;

The congregation members who are able to attend Church; May God bless them with a sense of his presence always with them;

The congregation members unable to attend Church – may we reach out to them as precious members of the Church family;

those who no longer attend church because they have forgotten God or lost their faith – may the Lord restore them by His Holy Spirit at work in their lives;

The communities served by our churches – may they learn of the gospel and grace of God as we love and serve in Jesus’ name.

Friday 23rd July, 2021

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

What confidence we should have in this truth.  Let us be humble in the presence of God, seek his guidance and trust that he will fulfil his purposes through us, however difficult the path seems.

Reflect and Pray– where you have specific knowledge, pray specifically, but pray anyway, committing these churches to God that his sovereign grace and his will be known…

Dalmellington/Patna Waterside

Interim Moderator: Bill Mackie; Locum: Barbara Jenkinson Session Clerk: Jean Barclay (D); Gordon McCrone (PW),


Minister: Rev Gerald Jones; Session Clerk: Janet McFadzean (K); Margaret Logan (S)

May God sustain them and enable them to work in harmony to the glory of His name.    Pray for:

Office bearers and conveners of committees and organisations– that God will enable them to fulfil their tasks effectively;

The congregation members who are able to attend Church; May God bless them with a sense of his presence always with them;

The congregation members unable to attend Church – may we reach out to them as precious members of the Church family;

those who no longer attend church because they have forgotten God or lost their faith – may the Lord restore them by His Holy Spirit at work in their lives;

The communities served by our churches – may they learn of the gospel and grace of God as we love and serve in Jesus’ name.

Saturday 24th July, 2021

“I have written your names on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:16

Reflect and pray:

What amazing love is this?  We live in a world where tattoos are commonplace but sadly they all too often tell the story of unfaithfulness and lack of commitment as so often people’s relationships change.  Not so with our faithful God – the nail prints in the hands of Jesus speak of his sacrifice to call us into an eternal relationship with God. His love never fails, and it is because of this we can come to him in prayer.  Let us pray:

  • Pray again for the children – for all those suffering abuse increased during lockdown – may Jesus be near to each one of them giving solace and comfort and may he send someone to hear their cries and to help them
  • May our schools become safer again, and with appropriate protection against Covid-19.
  • May exhausted teachers be granted some rest and respite in these few weeks of ‘holiday’ following all the additional burdens imposed on them in the last 15 months. May they return to school refreshed and ready to support the children.
  • We pray against new poverty further damaging the lives of this youngest generation. Teach society not to weigh the worth of others in monetary terms, but show us all how to have compassion and serve others in Jesus’ name.
  • We hear so much of widespread mental health issues as a result of the effects of Covid-19. Pray for God’s protection.