Junior Section (8 to 11 yrs)
What is Juniors?
Juniors is our second section and is for children aged between 8 and 11.
What do they do?
- Body – fit for fun
- Mind – think and do
- Spirit – God and me
- Community – me and my world
- Creativity – make and do
Juniors is about . . .
- having fun
- making friends
- enjoying lots of activities
- trying new things
What else do I need to know?
Juniors have a special uniform that they can wear. As everyone wears the same thing they feel as though they belong. However nobody is excluded because they do not have the right clothes.
Through the many different activities, Juniors will . . .
- learn about themselves
- get to know people and learn to work together
- explore their community
- personally develop
How long do they meet for?
Juniors offers a full and varied programme, typically lasting 2 hours with a few if any individual activities lasting more than ten minutes. The weekly section meeting would usually be finished at 9pm.
Why Juniors?
Juniors are developing rapidly. Between the ages of 8 and 11, there are big changes in a child’s mental, emotional, social and physical development. However, all children are different and have a variety of needs. The relationships we form with children at this age can be important in assisting them to achieve a sound sense of personal and group identity.
Join Us
If you’re interested in enrolling your son in the Junior Section please contact William Millar on 01563 851 364.
Principle Contact
William Millar, Officer in Charge
Wednesdays 7.00 - 9.00 pm
01563 851364